Westonka Food Shelf
2443 Commerce BoulevardMound, MN - 55364
Open from 9:30 AM to 12:00 noon, Monday through Friday.
Visits can also be arranged by appointment.
Messages left by phone are checked on Saturday and Sunday.
Serves residents of the Mound and Westonka area, including Greenfield, Independence, Maple Plain, Minnetrista, Mound, Rogers, St. Bonifacius, Tonka Bay and Spring Park, but excluding Wayzata.
A limit of one visit to the food shelf in a thirty day period is encouraged. Operated by St. Vincent DePaul Society at Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church.
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Do you know if there is an income limit to get free food at this location?
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How often can I come to this pantry?
Do I need to make an appointment?
Can I donate frozen food?
I’m needing some help from the food bank. It’s been a few years since I’ve been there. I’m not sure if I let you know what I think I’d like or if you are able to tell me what you have available, & I pick a few things? I need things like orange juice, skim milk, if it’s not expired, cottage cheese-1%, sliced & shredded cheese, some clam chowder, chili without beans, spaghetti O’s with franks, green beans in a can, corn in a can, peach, pineapple & pears in the small cups, bone broth, some cereal, but that would need to be specific, a can of tomato soup... white bread, sauce for spaghetti, but my son won’t eat big chunky stuff, stofers Mac & cheese, cat food, fresh clementine oranges, or sumo oranges that are easily peeled, not sure if you have fresh fruits, like raspberries oranges crisp apples, peaches, plums, grapes, almost anything, avocados, small amount of lettuce, 1 or 2 tomatoes if they’re still fresh, eggs,spaghetti noodles, jig reduced fat peanut butter, tuna in water in a can, mackerel in a can in brine, Boxed meals- side dishes- chili but nothing I have to cook. Just heat up, stew, ravioli, rice sides if I can do the 90 sec. ones in microwave, cereal- Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Frosted Flakes, Reece’s pieces, a nut with almonds & granola (cat remember the name), instant oatmeal individual packets variety pack, cream cheese & plain or cinnamon bagels, English muffins, toilet paper, but if it will fall apart as I’m using it, I’ll have to pass, Kleenex, pulled pork meal, port tenderloin, possible lotion, but son’s allergic to many (along with some foods, so I’m being specific, laundry detergent if liquid or pods, of something for sensitive skin, like All free & clean- gentle with no strong odors, maybe some cooking spray to line the pan, some tin foil, zip lock bags, cat food wet or dry, antibacterial foam soap, lotion like Cetaphil, Vanacreme, or Nivea lotion, and cetaphil oily face cleanser, chapstick brand, light blue medicated or royal blue with moisturizer with spf. Cheese pizza, whip cream in a can, frozen meals, lean cuisine, smart ones, staffers, mac n cheese, pasta kinda- chicken kinds, just not spicy, tuna casserole, shrimp with noodles frozen. I can’t really cook much unless I’m putting it in a pan & turning on the oven. I just sent specific information because I thought it might be easier for you. Cinnamon rolls with icing are a favorite, or muffins, poppyseed, banana chocolate chip, blueberry muffins, poppy seed muffins. Bread, white, sourdough, or French baguette, white vinegar, baking soda, green salt free “Mrs Dash” Jax cafe seasoning, lunds- gone fishin seasoning, Italian seasoning for pizza or spaghetti sauce. Frozen tortellini, pre made mashed potatoes and gravy, sushi :). I have no idea what you have available, but I couldn’t use any flour or sugar, as I won’t use it, I don’t know what to do with frozen meats, but if they can go in the oven in a pan for 20 min. That works well. Fresh veggies except mentioned above, no clue how to make them. Kemps homestyle vanilla ice cream, or snickers, or ice cream snicker bars too. I can’t come up with anything more . I’m pretty much out of most things like that. What do you or I need to do to allow me use of your food shelf? I can’t remember. Thank you, and again, I wasn’t trying to be difficult, just specific, some appreciate it, some don’t. I’m assuming you’re bringing bags out & not letting possible sick people in? Oh hot dogs & buns or no buns is fine. Or cheese hotdogs? Hope all this makes it through to you! Just let me know your thoughts after reading this, I’d really appreciate it so much!!! Thank you for your time, Mel