Hope Alliance
1011 Gattis School RoadRound Rock, TX - 78664
Hope Alliance offers emergency shelter, advice, and case management at its confidential, secure shelter.
Although the shelter is only open to women and children, another emergency shelter can be organized for male survivors.
The shelter is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Most families stay for about 30 days.
Food, clothing, security planning, case management, counseling, legal advocacy, hospital and judicial follow-up, tutoring, and assistance with indemnification of crime victims and protective orders are available throughout the stay.
The shelter program has two phases.
During Phase I of the program, which lasts 72 hours, the only requirement is that residents attend an intake session, sign consent forms, and review information about their rights as a client.
This gives everyone time to rest and gather their thoughts.
Customers who decide to move to Phase II must meet with the case manager at least once a week.
During these sessions, goals are set and monitored, strengths and obstacles are examined, and potential resources are identified.
Uncurable disease...can't walk or work..I'm on a walker