East Fort Bend Human Needs Ministry
435 Stafford Run Rd.Stafford, TX - 77477
Interfaith Food Pantry helps families and individuals living in East Fort Bend County in times of financial crisis by providing perishable and non-perishable nutritious food, household items, and toiletries.
Referrals may come from regional churches or local social services.
Clients are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis and must provide proper identification and proof of residence.
Trained interviewers evaluate each situation to determine how customers can be better served.
Nutritionally complete food orders are customized to fit the size and specific needs of each household.
Hours of Operation:
Tuesday, Thursday & Friday
10:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Food Pantry Opening Hours:
6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Full Food Order -
Provides a family with groceries for about four days.
Each order of nutritionally complete food is tailored to the size and needs of each household.
In addition to food, the complete food orders also include detergents and care products.
Eligible residents may only order four complete food items per year.
Supplementary Food Order -
Provides bread, milk, and other basic foods.
This program is available to eligible residents every Wednesday night and Friday as needed.
Food Fair Program -
Food Fair takes place every 4th Thursday stake in the month, except in November and December.
Customers listen to a short information program, so they receive a great order of fresh food compliments from the Houston Food Bank.
The Food Fair program has no zip code restrictions.
Senior Sacks -
In collaboration with the Fort Bend Seniors Seniors Meals on Wheels Program, EFBHNM offers senior citizens the opportunity to shop for weekend meals.
Mission Statement
Our mission is to address the basic human needs of families in temporary financial crisis in East Fort Bend County." *
*From the East Fort Bend Human Needs Ministry website
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