Kindness Kottage
119 N. JohnsonMineola, TX - 75773
The Kindness Kottage resale shop is not just your normal resale shop.
Friendliness Kottage is a place for emergency assistance for the residents of the Mineola Independent School District.
They offer a number of services, including a food bank and emergency utility assistance.
All emergency utility assistance has a financial limit per client and is evaluated by the individual to determine whether or not he or she is eligible for assistance.
The Food Pantry and emergency services are available for service Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
There was no assistance on Saturday.
The food pantry is sponsored by the United way, various churches, and individuals.
They accept donations every day.
All donations are welcome.
Useful donations would include good used furniture, all household items, bedding, clothes, shoes, etc.
Donations also include food and monetary donations.
All proceeds from each sale go back to the food pantry and emergency relief program to help their community.
Call today to receive your admission and evaluation to determine if you are eligible for assistance.
Remember that these services are for MISD residents only.
If they can't help you, theycan introduce you to who theycan.
Call them or come to theirstore today and see what kind of treasures or softly used clothes you can find in theirsmall shop to help your community as well.
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