St Petersburg Free Clinic Inc
863 3rd Ave NSt Petersburg, FL - 33701
Contact Info
Phone: (727) 821-1200Facebook page
Website Instagram URL Twitter URL
The St. Petersburg Free Clinic is an independent social service organization providing temporary assistance to meet basic needs of individuals and families in the community:
health care
limited financial assistance
and referral information.
Beginning in 1970, a group of volunteers provided medical treatment for those who did not have access to health care.
It soon became obvious that other help was needed and additional programs were added.
Patients and clients are those who "fall through the cracks of other programs" and who need temporary, rather than long-term assistance.
Mission Statement
St. Petersburg Free Clinic is a caring organization helping to meet basic, unserved human needs through resources, volunteers, and advocacy. We provide temporary assistance for families and individuals in need of the basics of food, shelter, health care, limited financial assistance, and referral information. " *
*From the St Petersburg Free Clinic Inc website
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