St. Martin of Tours Food Box Pantry
200 Oconnor DriveSan Jose, CA - 95128
The Food box program helps everyone who is not enough food in our area.
The distribution is always the third Friday of the month every month at 18:00 in the Gym.
The Monday before that Friday at 6:45 am, we sort the food at Bailey's house.
This can be the second Monday or the third Monday of the month, depending on how the dates fall.
The rating takes about an hour, depending on the number of people who show up.
We offer fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy, bread, dry goods, and preserves.
Everyone is welcome to come to the Gym and shop for your family.
This is also a great opportunity for families to volunteer.
We need 40 volunteers or more for our food distribution evening.
It takes about 2-3 hours, depending on how busy it is.
Just show up the day you can help, we'd love to welcome you.
Do i need to sign up or something to get a food box?
My daughter and husband both just lost their jobs and we have 3 grandkids to feed 2 are severely autistic and one of the autistic boys is severely epileptic I have been going thru major heart surgeries the last one was an emergency angiogram last Sat I am going to try to get on disability as I had a major triple bypass followed by a infection which left me at time with a hole in my chest the size of Texas this is very hard for me to ask for help and I could care less about me but because 2 are disabled I am having a lot of anxiety the boys are 11, 8 and our 3 year old was just diagnosed with severe autism the 2 are non verbal low functioning I hope you can help my daughter and her boys we have tried to find pull ups in men’s xlarge pull ups everything is wiped out no wipes either I have been praying everyday these are really good boys our middle one is a great brother too as he helps his older and younger brother Thank you so much for taking the time to read this God Bless and protect yourself family and friends Lisa
At first it was hectic..tried voluntering.no reply.then waited in line forever to get food.then at Christmas it was a little better.i appreciate everything given to us ..felt really welcome last time we went ..thank you