Inkster Sharon SDA Church
28537 Cherry StInkster, MI - 48141
Food Pantry Hours:
- Thursday 1:00pm to 3:00pm
Hours of Operation
- Monday closed
- Tuesday closed
- Wednesday closed
- Thursday 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
- Friday closed
- Saturday closed
- Sunday closed
Frequently Asked Questions
Thanks for contributing
Was everything free at this pantry?
1 responses
Have you ever used this service? How was it?
Were there large lines at this location?
Do you know if they deliver?
Do you know if there is an income limit to get free food at this location?
Are documents required to get food?
Do I have to have a appointment to come here?
1 responses
How often can I come to this pantry?
Do I need to make an appointment?
1 responses
I am falling had times and on food. Can I come get get some food. Thank You And Have a Blessed Thanksgiving.may ther be blessed
Is there a certain day of the month you guys pass out "free food" or what is the general just of this amazing community program??