Second Harvest Food Bank Of Coastal Georgia, Inc.
2501 E. President StreetSavannah, GA - 31404
Contact Info
Phone: (912) 236-6750Facebook page
Website Instagram URL Twitter URL
America's Second Harvest is the nation's largest domestic hunger-relief organization.
They are a national network of over 200 food banks and food-rescue programs that distribute donated food through 50,000 charitable agencies to hungry Americans.
America's Second Harvest distributes food to 23.3 million hungry people each year.
Mission Statement
The mission of the food bank is to feed the hungry by distributing nutritious food to nonprofit agencies and at risk elderly and youth, to assist in disaster relief, and work towards long term solutions to hunger and poverty. Our statement of purpose is "Utilizing food and education to improve lives and create a Hunger-Free community". " *
*From the Second Harvest Food Bank Of Coastal Georgia, Inc. website
Hello there. Praying all are well. Please inform me as to how I may receive distributions? I am disabled - haven't driven in over 5 years - due to seizure disorder, limited mobility, diabetes complications, etc. I also have cardiac and compromised immunity issues. A few months ago I allowed my elderly low-income neighbor (who has license, but no vehicle) to drive my truck to your site thinking we could help each other out. However, your limitation of one allowance per vehicle (which I truly understand) hindered one of us from receiving anything even though we are in different households. Is there a way I can get assistance from you even though I don't drive? I am still willing to allow my neighbor to use my truck to receive assistance.
What time will you be giving food away tomorrow
Good afternoon, I live in a Senior Citizen housing building. We received a pallet of food from Second Harvest, back in March. Our office manager attempted to sign Sustainable Fellwood III up for regular food distribution. She said she was told Second Harvest wasn't accepting any new applications until after the Pandemic ends. It seems that the Pandemic isn't going away! Grocery stores are gouging our eyes out! I can't buy fresh fruit. I can only buy minimal fresh vegetables! I'm 70 years old with immune compromises! I can't go to the store too often because of the crowds and the people not wearing face coverings! Won't you please deliver us, at least, some fruits, fruit juices and vegetables?