Bethesda House Of Schenectady
834 State StreetSchenectady, NY - 12307
Provides a food pantry.
It mainly provides services to Schenectady County.
Bethesda House is an interfaith ministry for the homeless, the disabled, and economically disadvantaged citizens of Schenectady County, building a just, welcoming, and inclusive community one person at a time by affirming the dignity and meeting the needs of every guest entering this House Of Mercy.
In addition to intensive case management and social work, Bethesda House was founded on the need to provide daily and emergency services to the homeless and impoverished in Schenectady.
Everyone who comes to Bethesda House has access:
Opportunities for community service
Housing resources
E-mail service
Shower, laundry, and personal hygiene
Hospitality center with coffee, books, games, shelter from the streets
Daily meals are served at 2:30 from Monday to Friday
For more information, please call them.
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