City Mission of Schenectady Meals
512 Smith StreetSchenectady, NY - 12305
Do you know anyone who needs something to eat?
Meal times at their Dining Center.
Hours of operation:
Monday to Friday
5:45 pm
3:00 pm
Bagged lunches available 24/7 at the Men's Shelter (427 Hamilton Street Schenectady NY 12305). Download their "Free Meal Card" which includes several options for getting food throughout Schenectady for a week.
On their website listed above.
Providing Clothing for People in Need
City Mission offers free clothing for men, women and children staying at their shelters.
They have also partnered with local agencies to help people buy clothing for free through a referral voucher system.
If you or someone you know needs clothing, please call 518.346.2275 for more information, please call them.
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