Golden Harvest Food Pantry
376 Throop AveBrooklyn, NY - 11221
Golden Harvest Food Pantry
Hours: Tuesday and Thursday 10:00 am - NOON
GED/HSE classes: Tuesdays and Thursdays 8:00-9:00
Can help with SNAP implementation and recertification; free income tax preparation (during the tax season); free education services (GED/ HSE); assistance with SCRIE/ DRIE implementation; external reference services.
The NEBHDCo Golden Harvest Food Pantry is located at 376 Throop Avenue, between Lafayette and Kosciuszko. A partner agency of New York City Emergency Feeding since 1993, they opened our new supermarket-style food center in June 2014.
In the storage room on the ground floor, there is also a demonstration kitchen, a classroom, and a three-position advantages center.
In the six months since the new pantry opened, they have more than doubled the number of families served.
They continue to register new families at the rate of 20-30 families per class to meet the growing demand.
On the pantry floor:
Customers choose their own food, supermarket-style
Purchases are made per family of 1 to 6 people, once a month.
More healthy product choices
Fresh fruits and vegetables from NEBHDCo's gardens and local farms.
More chilled and frozen products are available from units within reach.
Refrigerator and walk-in freezer for the preservation of perishable expanded products
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