Food Bank Of Sweetwater County
90 Center StRock Springs, WY - 82901
Food Bank Of Sweetwater County provides food for low income individuals and families.
Their Mission: To provide the resources necessary to feed the hungry throughout Sweetwater County, to support their staff and volunteers, to raise awareness of their program in the community, to ensure accountability to their supporters and clients.
Food Bank of Sweetwater County History:
The doors of the Green River Food Pantry opened on February 17, 1987.
At the time, donations of food and time were relied on to ensure distribution.
The average amount of food distributed was 8-10 pounds per household, twice per month.
Today the average is 75 pounds per month for each family.
Mission Statement
To provide the resources necessary to feed the hungry throughout Sweetwater County, to support our staff and volunteers, to raise awareness of our program in the community, and to ensure accountability to our supporters and clients. " *
*From the Food Bank Of Sweetwater County website
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