Our Lady's Pantry
16650 U.S. Highway 301Wimauma, FL - 33598
Our Lady's Pantry is a 501(c)(3) non-profit food charity located on the campus of Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Migrant Mission in Wimauma, Florida.
They are located behind the classroom building on the far right of the campus.
Folks in Balm, Wimauma and Sun City Center, Florida.
Work on Tuesday, Friday and Saturday mornings accepting food donations, storage shelves.
Hours of operation:
Tuesday, Friday and Saturday
7:30 am - 11:30 am
If you need food, feel free to stop by and pick up a box of groceries.
For more information, please call them.
Hours of Operation
- Monday closed
- Tuesday 7:30 AM - 11:30 AM
- Wednesday closed
- Thursday closed
- Friday 7:30 AM - 11:30 AM
- Saturday 7:30 AM - 11:30 AM
- Sunday closed
Frequently Asked Questions
Thanks for contributing
Was everything free at this pantry?
Have you ever used this service? How was it?
Were there large lines at this location?
Do you know if they deliver?
Do you know if there is an income limit to get free food at this location?
Are documents required to get food?
How often can I come to this pantry?
Do I need to make an appointment?
Leave your Review
Have you received food here? Let us know about your experience.