Heaven's Gate Christian Church, Inc.
5563 Peach AveSeffner, FL - 33584
They are a non-profit church located in Seffner, Florida.
They host G.O.'s.
D (Grocery on Delivery) Ministry food pantry that helps feed those in need in their community.
If there's something they can't deliver, they try to find someone who can.
Their mission is to provide the nutrition needed to help families thrive on another day of God's mercy.
Their goal in doing so is to actively respond to the call of excellence in their Lord Jesus Christ.
They understand that this generation has been the hardest hit by poverty and hunger and among their brothers and sisters in Christ, they also want to be a light in the darkness.
They want to stay together with these other food pantries and help as best they can, covered by the Love of Christ.
Hours of Operation:
Every first Saturday
9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
By appointment.
For further information, please call.
How do I qualify?