United Food Bank & Service of Plant City, Inc.
702 E. Alsobrook StreetPlant City, FL - 33566
33563, 33564, 33565, 33566, 33567, 33527, 33587, 33547, 33569, 33584, 33592.
Food distribution hours of operation:
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
12:00 pm - 3:30 pm
12:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Food pantry.
Serving: Hillsborough County.
Must be located in Plant City to be eligible.
Residents with an orientation may receive assistance up to three times.
Contact: Kelleigh Klein.
They offer food to families in need in Eastern Hills Borough County.
Please call before they arrive so they can view the qualifications.
For more information, please call them.
Frequently Asked Questions
Thanks for contributing
Was everything free at this pantry?
Have you ever used this service? How was it?
Were there large lines at this location?
Do you know if they deliver?
Do you know if there is an income limit to get free food at this location?
Are documents required to get food?
1 responses
How often can I come to this pantry?
Do I need to make an appointment?
Do I need to register again...haven't been in along while