Grace Community Food Pantry
245 Education WayBunnell, FL - 32110
The Grace Community Food Pantry is dedicated to helping residents who have proven their needs by providing food to supplement their personal pantry at home.
Through a simple and confidential application, the demonstration of residence in Flagler County and the completion of a declaration of need form; recipients will receive a full shopping basket every two weeks until their need is eliminated.Grace Community Food Pantry Focuses on supporting the less fortunate in Flagler County and has limited resources to meet the significant needs of this community alone. They are committed to serving those people in their community by assuring their volunteers, partners, and community contributors that they are applying their contributions more effectively to meet the need here in Flagler County. Please call them for more information.
How do you access their services? The declaration of need and application completes a simple application that collects demographic information (services can be assigned appropriately). These forms reflect what is required of the Second Harvest Food Bank and the Federal Department of Agriculture. You will also provide them with proof of residence, such as a driver's license or utility bill. Once you are accepted, you will be issued a Grace Community Food Pantry ID card and will receive pantry services until your needs are resolved. Although their services are supposed to be temporary, there is no fixed date and you will be able to receive services every two weeks.The Grace Community Food Pantry will not turn down anyone who has demonstrated a need. Only for people in Flagler County.
What you and your family will get:
Stables-Canned or Boxed food items
Fresh fruit and vegetables
Meat and Protein
Deserts or specialized items
Other personal needs items (if any)
Grace Community Food Pantry Hours:
Campus Main Distribution Center
245 Education Way, Bunnell, FL
10:00 am - 1:00 pm
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Hammock Park Distribution Center Hours of Operation:
Malakon Pra Road Community Center
79 Malacompra Road, Palm Coast, Florida.
11:00 am - 1:00 pm
Grace Community Food Pantry requires the flagler County residence to be demonstrated by a local power or other bill, or by providing a Florida driver's license.
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