Dinner Program For Homeless Women
309 E Street NWWashington, DC - 20001
Besides providing meals, the Dinner Program sought to specifically address the lack of safe places for homeless women during their vulnerable evening hours.
Over time, DPHW incorporated supplemental social services that attended to their clients many needs and addressed the root causes of their homelessness.
In 1998, they began serving morning meals to homeless men as well as women, and in 2007, they introduced more formalized case management and educational programming for both women and men.
During this time, DPHW's mission has remained simple, yet potent to provide a safe, stable, and welcoming environment in which a person can receive a hot, nutritious, and appetizing meal and be offered the support, services, and opportunity needed to reach his or her full potential.
Many of the homeless people they serve are considered unreachable because of the complexity of the issues that led to their homelessness.
Other nonprofits working with the homeless have begun narrowing their focus on a higher-functioning population in response to the increasing pressure to demonstrate measurable outcomes.
Rather than creaming to work with only the easiest to reach clients, the Dinner Program strives to reach those that have fallen through these cracks. DPHW does not screen out or deny anyone in need.
Because DPHW operates with a low-barrier philosophy of engagement, they frequently serve individuals who refuse to attend other programs.
The meals they serve allow them to gradually build relationships with their clients, allowing them to engage them in services that they would never seek out otherwise.
For many of their clients, they provide their only connection to any types of services.
DPHW fills a unique role in the city, serving as a centrally located entry point to comprehensive assistance for the regions most underprivileged, vulnerable, and marginalized residents.
No one needs the help more.
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