The Mercy Warehouse Food Distribution
27632 El LazoLaguna Niguel, CA - 92677
Food is distributed several times a week.
Food distribution hours of operation:
Monday 4:00 pm
Wednesday 12:00 pm
Friday 12:00 pm
Mission Statement
It is the mission of The Mercy Warehouse to provide food for those in need through the sale of donated goods. We are uniquely able to leverage valuable community and corporate relationships, causing every dollar that we earn in our thrift store to stretch into large quantities of high-quality groceries. We currently feed over 1,000 people every week through our local food bank in Laguna Niguel, our weekly homeless outreaches into Santa Ana and Los Angeles, and through our sponsorship of three orphanages in Tiajuana, Mexico." *
*From the The Mercy Warehouse Food Distribution website
I have received food here. It's incredible! The food was just great, with a mix of staples, fresh green veggies, eggs, milk, bread and mixed goodies from several stores (Whole Foods) that are delicious! I really liked that they put desserts in the weekly box, and of course those were eaten first! Mercy Warehouse is a wonderful resource. And their Thrift Store is a total score too.
Love Peggy the minister. Generous food box.