Abundant Living Family Church - Food Pantry
10900 Civic Center DrRancho Cucamonga, CA - 91730
Provides food, clothing and hygiene products monthly for the homeless and low income in the community.
Hours of Operation:
Tuesday 8:30 am - 12pm.
Sundays 8:30 am - 12pm.
This is a DRIVE THRU pantry. You must register. They issue you a window card to put on your dash each time you go.
Frequently Asked Questions
Thanks for contributing
Was everything free at this pantry?
1 responses
Have you ever used this service? How was it?
1 responses
Were there large lines at this location?
3 responses
Do you know if they deliver?
Do you know if there is an income limit to get free food at this location?
1 responses
Are documents required to get food?
Do they offer diapers?
How often can I come to this pantry?
1 responses
Do I need to make an appointment?
How to register?
1 responses
How do I register?
Do you drive up or walk in?
1 responses
How do you register?
I haven't been there since last year, but I will be going again soon, but I already know we have very good people there, they are very happy and very positive with a wonderful energy and their belief in our Lord and savior. I only go when things are really tight because I want other people to be able to get help that really need it as I do right now. I now ask Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to bless all that read this and to bless the people at abundant Living Church, they're wonderful people. In Jesus's name amen
I'm disabled and can't drive and no food. How can I get food?
Any good drive need help please
Hola como puedo aplicar para la despensa gratis
This is a DRIVE THRU pantry. You must register (however the gals come up to your window to do so). The issue you a window card to put on your dash each time you go. The lines are often super long and sometimes they run out of food. Best to go 30-45 AFTER they open to avoid the long lines. Well staffed however they are somewhat militant in directing traffic. Noticed that the distributions are not the same car to car, however they are generally the same.
Out of work and I have no food. I'm about to loose my apartment and could use some help.
The people that volunteer to handout food are very nice...always happy and smiling, you leave there feeling good because of their faith and positive energy. I am caretaker for my 88 year old mother, with gasoline and EVERYTHING in our economy continually costing more and actually getting less for iur money... the Abundant Living Church food bank is a godsend cuz we barely barely make it by each month and I am looking for employment which isn't hard to find but it's hard to find something that will fit with taking care of your mother that can't be left alone due to the onset of dementia. Anyways I pray for everybody out there and I also pray and ask the Lord for extra blessings for the people at the Abundant Living Church