Daily Bread Of Melbourne Florida
815 East Fee AvenueMelbourne, FL - 32901
Contact Info
Phone: (321) 723-1060Facebook page
Website Instagram URL Twitter URL
Hot meal served daily.
Services for homeless also include showers, laundry, job and other counseling by appointment.
Haircuts once a week. Christmas meal served Christmas day.
Daily Bread is a volunteer-driven 501( c )3 nonprofit in Melbourne, Florida.
They are dedicated to improving the dignity and quality of life of the hungry and needy we serve.
Their vision is to assure that no one goes hungry, no food is wasted in our community, and no one is denied the opportunity or assistance to become self-sufficient.
Theyy provide a free, seven-course, hot meal every day from 11AM to 2PM.
They also provide showers, hygiene products, a mail stop and clothing to those who are homeless.
They have other agencies, which partner with us, coming to Daily Bread, to provide assistance with health care, food stamps, HIV/AIDS testing, Veteran's issues, alcoholics anonymous meetings, etc.
I’ve been sick with corona in and out of hospital 4 months
I haven't but heard a lot of good stuff about your place and I have given directions to a lot of people that are homeless towards your way.